Donald Trump has suggested he would deport kids who are US citizens but whose parents are not to avoid separating families. The US President-elect has made it clear that once he’s sworn in, he’ll begin massive deportation of undocumented immigrants.
Concerns have been raised for families where the children as citizens by birth but the parents are not. Speaking widely about his plans for mass deportations, President-elect Donald Trump said families with undocumented parents who have U.S.-born children would be deported together because he doesn’t “want to be breaking up families.” “So the only way you don’t break up the family is you keep them together and you have to send them all back,” Trump said. “Even kids who are here legally?” Welker asked. “Well, what you’ve got to do if they want to stay with their father — look, we have to have rules and regulations,” Trump said. Welker was asking Trump about the approximately 4 million mixed-status families in America, in which some family members have legal status and others are undocumented