unit, 143 battalion for treating us this way. What’s our offense for being treated as if we are not soldiers? As we speak, we are the only overstayed unit here. Our morale is very low.”A study by MedCrave titled “The wounds of terrorism among combat military personnel in Nigeria” revealed a relationship between the likelihood of developing Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and long duration of Nigerian soldiers’ stay in mission areas.PTSD is a mental health conditiontriggered by a terrifying event, with flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event as possible symptoms.“Therefore, this study is aimed at assessing if fighting terrorism lead combat military personnel to come down with posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). “Findings in this study will add to the existing body of knowledge and to guide in clinical information among the Nigerian military concerning the pains encountered by military combatants during and or after war. It was hypothesized that; “Age in Participation in combat military operation will have a significant main effect on the level of PTSD among Nigerian combat military personnel.
“Duration of serving the Nigerian military will have main effect on the level of PTSD among Nigerian combat military personnel. “Being wounded due to participation in combat operation will have a significant main effect on the level of PTSD among Nigerian combat military personnel.”